The Road Ahead

November 1, 2019                                            Volume 4: Issue 2

Photo by Bara Cross on Unsplash

Even though the leaves are falling and the days are darkening. Even though the nights are longer and the days colder. Still this is perhaps my most favorite time of year. It always seems to me so full of potential with the approach of the holidays and the new year.

We now approach the Christmas Season in which we celebrate the the birth of Jesus. Yes, he was probably born in October. Still, there is something special about Christmas during which we remember that Jesus brought Heaven down to Earth for all of us. He is the supreme example of the Sacred in the Ordinary.

With this issue we began accepting submissions through Submittable. If you have something to offer, please submit it there. We also have a new type of submission. We are offering a short play. We hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to comment.
