God’s Pawns

by Thom Ernst

While I have long  believed in the Christian and Jewish mantra: “G-D is in control”, at times that Reality has been overshadowed by our present circumstances. Circumstances where lies become truth and evil becomes good. Circumstances where hypocrisy and injustice are so blatant as to defy the belief that this could happen in America. Circumstances that favor one group while wreaking havoc on another.  In those circumstances it’s more than a little difficult to keep the higher perspective front and center. It’s easy to lose sight of the sun in the encroaching darkness. Reason says it’s still there shinning, while the mind sinks into the gloom on its own accord. “G-D is still on the throne!’

I’ve been reading of the Plagues G-D brought upon Egypt and the hardness of Pharaoh’s heart in refusing to allow the Israelites to go three days journey into the wilderness to worship G-D. The arrogance and audacity of the man in the face of so many “natural” devastations befalling Egypt and its Pharaoh is almost beyond belief. Almost.

In Chapter 9 verse 16 of Exodus, prior to the plague of hail, G-D says to Pharaoh through Moses and Aaron: “And in every deed for this cause have I raised you up, to show in you my power; that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.” Wow! What a revelation! G-D is telling that mighty king that he is but a pawn on G-D’s chessboard. In spite of that revelation by Word and the ensuing plague of hail, Pharaoh hardened his heart again and refused to let Israel go. On this side of those momentous events we may be heard to say: “What a stupid man”; but the reality is he’s a pawn posing as a King.

Fast forward to 2020 America. G-D’s pawns are kicking up quite a storm – a virtual hail of obfuscation, spin, and bald-faced lies. All to benefit their own agenda. Viewing themselves as Kings and Queens and either refusing to acknowledge or blind to the fact that they are mere pawns to G-D. 

I see two types of blindness in the circumstances of America’s political elite: Blindness of personal ambition and blindness to the true reality: G-D reigns. While the former is the result of their own ambition and arrogance, and the latter caused by an act of G-D, the result is the same. Blind is blind. Whether it’s because they won’t see or can’t see, the result is the same: inability to see beyond the darkness of their own creation. Don’t forget, these are those who booed G-D. Kicked Him out of their Convention. The only thing that’s changed since then is the depth of their hatred of all that’s good and righteous; and, their pursuit of even greater evil. In all of this, they’re mere pawns.

During those awesome plagues against Egypt, Israel at large observed, sheltered by G-D’s Grace from the literal fallout of His wrath. The question for us is: Are we observers under the Grace-umbrella or are we pawns?

Stay tuned, there’s more to come. Not by me, but by G-D!

*G-D is written this way in deference to my Jewish friends who do not speak or write His name. It’s fitting that I acknowledge that, especially in light of the use of the Old Testament in enumerating truth. 

Thom Ernst is a teacher and a writer and a regular contributor to The Purpled Nail.